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Caitlyn Halsey  |  YWCA Women of Excellence

Caitlyn Halsey | YWCA Women of Excellence

Caitlyn Halsey
Dialogue Coffee House LLC

Caitlyn's commitment to those in our community with mental and physical limitations is truly an inspiration to everyone she comes in contact with. Even at her young age, she has been able to see a dream come to fruition because of hard work and determination. She is opening up doors to embrace and celebrate those around us with differences.

TK: What inspires you?
My team. Many of my team members face physical or mental challenges that could leave them crippled with fear, sadness, and plain darkness. However, they choose to live life to the fullest with true joy. My team embodies these principles not because of something they were taught but how they decide to look at life. Through this, they inspire me to work harder and to look at life with a different perspective, one with a glass half full.

TK: What advice do you have for others?
Don't be afraid to befriend or strike up a conversation with someone who looks, acts, or thinks differently than you. You won't lose anything for doing so and you never know where life could take you. Four years ago, I never thought I would be where I am, but I wouldn't change it for the world, all because I befriended a little girl with a disability.

TK: What is the greatest lesson you have learned on your journey?
The greatest, yet hardest lesson I have learned is that I probably won't change the world, however, one opportunity, one more chance, one life can have a multitude effect on many others. 

The YWCA is on a mission to empower women at all stages in their careers. Diversity in leadership is particularly vital to our vibrant business community in the Greater Topeka Area.

The YWCA is celebrating 31 years of recognizing Women of Excellence in our community with the theme “Dare to be Powerful.” We dare to be powerful, despite whatever obstacles may present themselves along the way. 

“When I dare to be powerful, to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid.”
- Audre Lorde

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