Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!
If you are interested in submitting an article or editorial query to TK Business Magazine, please review the following frequently asked questions. All editorial inquiries and press releases should be directed to the publisher via email.
TK Business Magazine targets growth-minded business owners, entrepreneurs and professionals who are looking for strategies, resources and inspiration to grow to the next level. We publish several types of articles, ranging from practical “how to” strategy articles to full-length features spotlighting successful businesses, owners and professionals, and tackling topics and issues relevant to business in Topeka.
We accept guest articles from Topeka business experts in the areas of sales, marketing, management, human resources, technology, finance, legal, education and training, workplace wellness, greening your business, international and other topics of interest to growth-minded small business owners. We do accept unsolicited submissions; however, we encourage anyone who is interested in writing an article to submit via email a one-paragraph summary of their idea.
Should be 650-700 words long
Should be composed in second or third person (you or he/she/they), not first person (I/we)
Should present practical “how to” guidance about the topic under discussion
Should avoid marketing-oriented, self-promoting verbiage
Are enhanced by use of subheads, sidebars and bulleted/numbered lists where appropriate
Are best when they cut right to the chase and offer sound, hard-hitting advice for a small business owner
Avoid recommending businesses, products and services by name (unless the assignment is a review or market comparison)
Refer to The Associated Press Stylebook (2007) and Webster’s New World College Dictionary (4th ed.; 2004) for style, spelling, punctuation and usage guidance.
Writers should include a statement of title/professional credentials (e.g., Cathy Earnshaw is an analyst with Heathcliff Investments, specializing in financial services for small and mid-sized businesses) along with contact information (telephone number and e-mail address) at the foot of the article.
Deadlines are generally two months preceding issue date (i.e., March 1st for the May issue). Articles and stories should be submitted electronically. If this is not possible, please make arrangements with the managing editor for an alternative mode of submission.
A .jpeg photo of the author may be submitted along with the article for publication.