
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

From the Publisher: Tribute to Wendy Long

From the Publisher: Tribute to Wendy Long

As many of you who have felt the loss of a friend, co-worker or family member can understand, we are sad. But we are also grateful. Wendy gave us a gift. She inspired us. After learning of her diagnosis, she refused to let it consume her. She wanted to continue to share her stories with the community. She chose to spend her final year truly living, making every moment count. And we are grateful that we were able to be a little part of her celebration of life.

We honor Wendy’s passion for life by dedicating this issue of TK to Wendy and to her choice to live well. Every day when we get up, we have the choice to be present or not. To make progress or not. To contribute or not. Not every day is easy, not every day goes well. But Wendy inspired us to be present, to make progress, to contribute to the world around us and, to simply, live well.

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TK Business Magazine On Stands Now

TK Business Magazine On Stands Now

Thriving in the Fourth Generation

Thriving in the Fourth Generation