
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

20 Under 40: Andy Fry

20 Under 40: Andy Fry

Through Andy Fry’s work at the Topeka Metro, he’s helped bring accessible and affordable transportation options to the community and supported initiatives to expand services to underserved areas. Andy’s led the way to securing funding for the purchase of three electric buses and charging equipment and will be managing the implementation of these new buses into Topeka Metro’s fleet. 

Outside of work, Andy’s the board president for the Topeka Community Cycle project. He’s actively involved in writing grants and making community connections to help keep the program operating. Additionally, he volunteers on the Facilities Committee at First Congregational Church and is a Board Member at University Child Development Preschool.  

“I want to contribute to a better Topeka. For me, that means better access to transportation and sustaining an environment that is family friendly.”

What is your biggest vice?

I am a Craigslist and Marketplace junkie. I enjoy the hunt and problem solving to try and find what my or friends and family are after regardless of whether we actually NEED it. And if nothing else, it's like garage-saleing without the need for a mask or sneeze-guard. 

What do you wish someone had told you a long time ago?

Life isn't about having "things"; it's most successful if you have a network of people who you can count on to help you accomplish or experience the things you aspire to.

If you could write a book about your life, what would the title be?

Lucky, (to be) on two wheels.

Who has influenced you most when it comes to how you approach your work?

My coworkers from whom I started with straight out of college at the Kansas Corporation Commission. While some state employment has a sense of routine and clerical elements, they impressed upon me that we are hired to be experts in our fields and to be proud of that.

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20 Under 40: Chad Yeager

20 Under 40: Chad Yeager

20 Under 40: Amanda Stanley

20 Under 40: Amanda Stanley