
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

20 Under 40: Emily Ramsdell

20 Under 40: Emily Ramsdell

Emily focuses on the wellbeing of others and leading a team to provide the best patient care, visitor experience and innovation. But hospitality in her workplace is only the beginning for this compassionate, caring community member.  

Emily partnered with the Boys and Girls Club of Topeka Teen Center to develop support through education, resources and helping hands. She also coordinated a hygiene drive and the revitalization of a local foster care placement facility and volunteers as a youth volleyball coach. Through nutrition, customer service, and leading with a giving heart, Emily contributes to the overall health of those served in her hospitality services. 

"Each opportunity to serve, work or play I have been given, I have received back tenfold with the joy and fulfillment of helping others." 

What fictional place would you most like to visit? 

Hogwarts. Rereading the Harry Potter books to my kids I still feel amazed by the details and wonder. First on my list would be to have a big glass of butterbeer.

What three words would your friends use to describe you? 

Open-minded, Driven and Empathetic.

What’s the worst job you’ve ever had, and what did you learn from it?

My worst job was a day job for a promotional company that I worked for in college. I walked around handing out heartburn medication and sunscreen samples at an Independence Day festival. I learned working promotional jobs that you have to be flexible, outgoing, on time and not embarrass easily.

What’s a mistake you made early on in your career?

Not taking my seat at the table when it was offered. Humbleness and grace are important, but remember to be bold with your ambitions, clear with your intentions, and always hold true to your moral compass.

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20 Under 40: Haley DaVee

20 Under 40: Haley DaVee

20 Under 40: Daniel Ball

20 Under 40: Daniel Ball