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20 Under 40: Kyle Johnson

20 Under 40: Kyle Johnson

Kyle’s ardent love of history fuels his desire to inspire students to be civically active in the Topeka community. As an educator, coach and leader, Kyle teaches his students the importance of honoring and respecting the men and women who gave selflessly for the cause of freedom to ensure that all citizens enjoy inherent liberties enshrined in the founding documents of the United States. One way Kyle has done this is by founding and implementing the National History Day program at Seaman Middle School. Two of his students who have gone through this program were selected to introduce former Secretary of Education, Arne Duncan, during his remarks at the Brown v Board National Historic Site. He has also developed two elective courses at SMS that focus on military sacrifice and civic engagement. 

Outside of school, Kyle serves on the board of directors for Kansas History Day, specifically building curriculum and outreach. As a former Eagle Scout he has served as a merit badge counselor and sitting on Eagle Scout project review boards. Kyle also serves his local church, St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, as the chairman of the classical school committee, communion assistant, and usher. 

What book are you reading now?

The Conquering Tide by Ian W. Toll, the second book in his Pacific War Trilogy which chronicles World War II in the Pacific Theater. My grandfather served in the Pacific Theater, and it was a project interviewing him in 6th grade that began my love for history.  

What do you do to turn things around when you’re having a bad day?

I love to come home and spend him with my two boys, Luke and Matthew. Seeing them smile when we go to the park, the zoo, or just play at home, can turn any not-so-good day around. 

What goal are you still working toward?

Becoming a better teacher-leader. My students mean the world to me, and it is important for me to be someone they can look up to, but I also want to be a teacher that provides leadership and is an example for other teachers. As part of this goal I am currently working on my building and district leadership licenses and hope in the future to become a building administrator.  

What do you love most about your work?

Getting to work and have an active role in the lives of my students every day is what I absolutely love about my job! Watch their growth, not only in the subjects I teacher, but also their personal growth, is the most rewarding part of teaching.

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20 Under 40: Molly Howey

20 Under 40: Molly Howey

20 Under 40: Kristen O'Shea

20 Under 40: Kristen O'Shea