Pop-up public engagement event for Family Park set for Sat., Oct. 24 at Bettis Family Sports Complex
Taking advantage of the last weekend of Shawnee County Parks + Recreation Youth Soccer, the design team for Family Park will hold a pop-up public engagement event from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 24 next to the soccer field at Bettis Family Sports Complex at Lake Shawnee. Representatives of HTK Architects and Landworks Studios of Olathe will have posters of three design concepts for the park which will be developed in the 2200 block of SW Urish next to Midwest Health Aquatic Center and Cypress Ridge Golf Course.
Park patrons will be asked to comment on the concepts, select their favorite amenities to have included in the park and choose their favorite overall concept. The design team will take the results of a survey https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/FamilyParkConcepts and comments from the pop-up public engagements into consideration as they design a final concept to present to Shawnee County commissioners in December.