
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

From the Editor

From the Editor

As we near the end of 2020, I hear a lot of people saying, “I can’t wait for 2020 to be over,” or “this was the worst year ever.” While I agree that 2020 dealt us a pretty lousy hand, it wasn’t all bad.

Personally, I found myself spending more time with my family. My college-aged kids moved back home, making our house almost full again. Nothing beats the sounds of laughter coming from the kitchen as your 22-year-old daughter and 19-year-old son whip up some delicious Coq au vin; or the giggles as your 15-year-old daughter tries to teach her dad how to do a TikTok; or the raspberries that your new grandson has learned to blow through spit bubbles.

Collectively, we have all focused our priorities, made sacrifices for the ones we love and learned to appreciate what we have. Most of all, we have a greater understanding of the importance of supporting those around us.

In the last few issues of TK, we have shared some amazing stories of people coming together to take care of each other in this difficult period. Whether it was businesses working to help employees navigate staying at home with their children, customers continuing to support local businesses while their doors had to be shuttered, or people giving a hand to someone who has been knocked down, the generosity in our community has been pretty darn incredible.

As for those of us at TK, we want to say thank you for supporting us as well. When we had to switch our delivery method from magazine rack to mail, you not only stuck with us but also encouraged us with your positive feedback. We have received more comments and letters telling us about articles you liked and ideas for future stories this year than ever before. So, thank you for keeping us energized and positive

Jennifer Montgomery Selected for Prestigious Rotary International Peace Fellowship

Jennifer Montgomery Selected for Prestigious Rotary International Peace Fellowship

2020: 20 Under 40

2020: 20 Under 40