
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Words of Wisdom: Alicia VanWalleghem

Words of Wisdom: Alicia VanWalleghem

What leadership skill has served you best?
Listening. There is not a single person who does not want to feel heard.  If you open yourself to more true listening and less responding, you will be surprised with what you learn from those around you.

 Since your time as a 20 Under 40 honoree, what is the most impactful experience and what did you learn from it?

COVID-19 has been the most impactful experience for me and to Leaping Llamas since we opened in 2016. The lock down period was a great learning experience as it showed me that life can be just as sweet (if not sweeter) when you slow down and focus on the things that are truly important instead of spinning your wheels being busy, but maybe not as truly productive. I plan to carry this lesson forward and focus on things that are truly important and let go of the rest.  

 What advice do you have for future leaders?

Kindness matters. Remember in times of strife, that you are working with people and they deserve respect, period. Having civil debates, a listening ear, constructive criticism or even compromising when needed can create an environment that produces a higher quality of work and a longer tenure staff.  

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Washburn Professors address “Pandemic Economics”

Washburn Professors address “Pandemic Economics”

Words of Wisdom: Lonnie Walker, Jr.

Words of Wisdom: Lonnie Walker, Jr.