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Don't take the person out of personal service

Don't take the person out of personal service

By Martha Barlett Piland, MB Piland Advertising + Marketing

I don’t know whether it’s today’s consumer online habits or a lack of training. But I do know I don’t like it. “What’s the name?” the receptionist blankly asked me at my doctor’s office this week. Ick. There seems to be an epidemic of taking the person out of personal service.

This is a danger for branders everywhere as they make interactions merely transactions instead of relationships.

Here are 3 fatal mistakes that happen with many marketers—and what to do instead:

1. saying “What’s THE name?” 
I’m standing right in front of you. Why don’t you say, “what’s YOUR name?” This is a subtle language difference but it makes a huge impact on how a customer feels. Without the YOU, it can feel dehumanizing.

How about:

  • What’s your name?  vs.  What’s the name?

  • How can I help you?  vs. How can I help?

  • Thank you for your business - we appreciate you. vs. Thanks.

  • You're welcome vs. No problem - or worse, Uh-huh.

Put the YOU back in customer service. It sounds oh-so-much warmer.

2. paying more attention to coworkers than customers
We’ve all witnessed it at a grocery store or discounter: but I recently experienced it at a bank. When I walked in, the tellers were too engrossed in their conversation to look up and acknowledge me when I walked in the door. So I stood and waited for what felt like an eternity in a lobby that had only one other customer.

Hello: I don’t want to wait while you two have a conversation. And if you’re serving me, but talking to each other while you go through the motions, it makes me feel like the last kid picked for the grade school basketball team. Left out. Deflated. Unimportant.

No matter what your business, you must break off your conversation with each other and immediately greet the person like she’s the last customer you’ll ever have. Otherwise, she might be.

3. mass emails that force people into cookie-cutter boxes

Whether communicating to customers or prospects, you should use their names. Ideally, you’ve recognized their habits, affirming them and offering products or services customers will find appealing.

Yes, it’s true, I’ve actually received emails with “Dear [Name]” because the marketer didn’t take the time to set up their email correctly.

Dillard’s is really trying when they email me with a “May We Suggest” subject line. The problem is, of nine products, only two are items even remotely similar to something I’ve purchased from them in the past. They know what I buy. Why can’t they profile me better? Their suggestions aren't so hot.

Apparently, they don’t know me after all. And they’re not trying to get to know me.

Nordstrom, on the other hand, is always spot on.

One of my banking apps always greets me with, “hello Martha, welcome back.” While I know it’s automated, for some reason it still makes me feel good. The app is treating me like a person, not a number.

listen up
Audit, listen, secret shop and observe what's happening where you interact with customers or clients.

Imagine talking with your customers like they're your mother or your best friend. How would you treat them?

People will go out of their way to do business with people and brands they love. They want a relationship, not a transaction. When you build and nurture genuine brand friendships, your revenue and profit will last a lifetime.

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