
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!



Photos by: Emma Highfill | Rose Wheat Photography & Grace Place


Life is full of things we value that need protecting. We seek to provide shelter for loved ones and family members from storms and other physical dangers.We aim to protect electronics and technology from power surges that would destroy their ability to function. And we work to preserve historical items so future generations can learn from the past. Three Topeka businesses offer solutions to help us protect the things we care about most.

Preserving the Past
Delta Designs Ltd.

For Delta Designs Ltd., the process of designing, producing and selling top-of-the- line museum storage equipment is one that can be both complex and demanding. (Read More).

For Delta Designs Ltd., the process of designing, producing and selling top-of-the- line museum storage equipment is one that can be both complex and demanding. (Read More).

Protecting Homes
EMP Shield

EMP Shield, a one-of-a-kind patented, protective device manufactured in Kansas, protects your entire home from lightning strikes, electrical surges that damage home electronics… (Read More.)

EMP Shield, a one-of-a-kind patented, protective device manufactured in Kansas, protects your entire home from lightning strikes, electrical surges that damage home electronics… (Read More.)

Matt Cobb was celebrating his daughter’s 5th birthday with family in 2011 when a funnel cloud passed over the house. (Read More).

Matt Cobb was celebrating his daughter’s 5th birthday with family in 2011 when a funnel cloud passed over the house. (Read More).

Expanding Outside of Topeka

Expanding Outside of Topeka

Art That Does More Than Decorate

Art That Does More Than Decorate