
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Austin Jackson: Leadership Greater Topeka

Austin Jackson: Leadership Greater Topeka

TK: What is the most important Leadership Characteristic? Why? 

I truly believe the best thing a leader can be is authentic. Authenticity is the basis of trust or cooperation in any group setting. If a person is working with you and feels for whatever reason that you are being inauthentic, the likelihood of them choosing to follow you is greatly diminished. Being true to who you are and living by your own beliefs attracts people to your mission or cause. 

TK: What is the best advice you have ever received? 

A friend once told me “It doesn’t matter what skills you have if you’re not using them to help people.” I think that’s how I try to live and work. Having talent and ability is next to meaningless unless you are positively impacting another person or group.  

TK: What is your theme song? 

As a musical theatre nerd, I have to go with a classic. “What You Own” from Rent is a song that personally resonates with me. The song reflects on how people are often seen as nothing more than what they own. To me, it’s a song that reminds me that I am more than the things that I have; I am buoyed by my connection to my family, friends, and community.  

TK: What motivates or inspires you? 

I am motivated by solving problems for people. I get a great deal of personal joy and fulfillment from listening to friends and helping them work through their problems. If I can make a day better for somebody by relieving a burden or fixing a wrong, that’s why I wake up. 

Leap of Faith

Leap of Faith

Call of Doody: Porcelain Pursuit

Call of Doody: Porcelain Pursuit