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Building Community: Brewster Place

Building Community: Brewster Place

Photos by: Emma Highfill | Rose Wheat Photography & Grace Place

Brewster Place’s beginnings date back to 1958, to a couple caring for an elderly aunt who lived on a farm alone. Their aunt did not need nursing care, but did need some support to keep up with chores and a way to connect with other people.

The couple approached the Congregational Church for a solution, a way to care for their aunt and others like her, and then donated land to contribute to the effort. The Congregational Church took it from there, hiring a director, securing financing, and making plans for a community that would serve the needs of elderly citizens.


Today, Brewster Place is still meeting the ever changing needs of seniors to help them live a more fulfilled life. President and CEO Joe Ewert notes that the not-for-profit model makes a huge difference in how decisions are made for the organization.

Brewster’s volunteer board is composed of members of the Topeka community and members of the Congregational Church. Plans for investments and renovations include the board, as well as feedback from residents. Brewster’s most recent expansion, an investment of $22.5 million, began in 2013 in just this way.

“In 2013 our board sat down to decide how we could be viable for another 50 years,” Ewert said. “Feedback from residents and their families led to our plan for a major expansion to our campus.”

Work will conclude this year on that expansion, a community hub that includes a cultural arts center, wood shop, indoor pool, wellness center, spa, restaurant, coffee lounge, space for classes, and more.

“The goal of the cultural center is to help our seniors live more satisfying, engaged lives,” Ewert said. “We want to provide a class, activity or connection for everyone. If there is a niche group, we still want to run the class for them. We want to make opportunities available for those who want to come and enjoy their retirement years at Brewster Place.”

As this project wraps up, the Brewster Place Board has plans to meet in the spring to discuss what project to tackle next.


Topeka seniors who don’t live in the retirement community can still enjoy the activities and services provide by Brewster Place through their BrewsterConnect memberships. For a minimal fee, BrewsterConnect members can access all of the new amenities, including the pool, wellness center and classes. Brewster even provides access to safe, reliable transportation for a reasonable fee. Ewert stresses that the BrewsterConnect membership is not a trial or promotion.

“Memberships help us achieve our goal of making life healthier and richer for seniors, even if they aren’t residents at Brewster Place,” Ewert said.

The infusion of people also means more opportunities for campus residents to connect with their community and build relationships.

“When we look at what makes people happy, time and again it’s the number and quality of relationships that someone has,” Ewert said. “Providing opportunities for active social engagement is crucial for every person’s health.”


In addition to providing opportunities for residents to engage with others on campus, Brewster Place invests in relationship building through its caring, dedicated staff. Ewert notes that often, residents are drawn in by the housing and campus activities, but after they have made the move, they will say that the staff is the best part of living at Brewster.

“We take care of our staff,” Ewert said. “We’re invested in having people work here who want to be here, and are happy to be here. Our staff is what sets us apart. The ties developed at Brewster are deep and long lasting.”

Interestingly, Ewert reports that on staff surveys, given every six months, the number one reason that staff report for continuing their employment at Brewster is the residents.

“It’s mutual,” Ewert said. “Literally everyone is on the same page with what’s most important.”


Ewert says he is confident that Brewster Place is positioned well to continue serving seniors long into the future and help them live fulfilled and happy lives.

“At the fundamental level I think folks will want more options that allow them to avail themselves of high value services and supports, with the absolute minimal trade off in independence and active living,” Ewert said. “The Brewster culture aligns perfectly with and is uniquely poised to deliver along these lines.”

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