
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

TK Staff Profile: Samantha Egan

TK Staff Profile: Samantha Egan

What is the most exciting thing you have witnessed in business in Topeka the past few years?

Several of my friends started their own businesses and have had done incredibly well. It’s so inspiring to see how well Topekans respond to local businesses and how eager they are to see them succeed.

What do you think makes a good story?

I think it’s inspiring to see how people deal with failure. It makes their success all the more triumphant. My best interviews are the ones where the person is candid about all parts of their story, including setbacks.

Where do you see growth opportunities for businesses in our city?

There are so many! I think places like Josey's, The Pennant and Brew Bank lit Topekans’ fire for eating locally. More of that, please! A cupcake bakery seems like a REALLY good opportunity ;)

What are a few resources you would recommend to someone looking to improve their writing?

For the technical stuff, I love Grammar Girl’s website and podcast. For corporate writing, Ragan Communication is amazing. For plain good writing, I try to read as much as I can from authors I admire.

What is unique about writing for a specific niche like businesses/ business leaders?

I like having a common theme to come back to for every story. For TK, it usually comes back to the customer. What problem is the business solving? How do they love on their customers? How do they stay relevant? It’s cool to see how business leaders approach those questions differently.

What is a unique challenge you have faced as a writer? Describe the outcome.

I used to be terrified of reaching out to cold sources. My first-ever college newspaper assignment was to stand on a city street and ask random students what they thought about the tuition increase. I almost switched majors. But I forced myself to do it and, eventually, realized I really like talking to people. The more I did it, the easier it felt.  Now, it’s something I enjoy.

What has been your favorite story you have written for TK? Why?

I love the mobile businesses story, but the story I wrote about businesses that deal with poo will be hard to top. How often do you get paid to make bathroom puns?

What are you currently reading?

“Gods of Jade and Shadow” by Silvia Moreno-Garcia

When you get ‘writer’s block’ or can’t seem to find the words, what do you do?

The best writing advice I’ve ever received is, “Give yourself permission to write crap.” When I have writer’s block, it’s usually because I’m fixated on a headline or tricky transition. Telling myself to just write anything and move on keeps me from wasting brainpower spinning my wheels. When I do come back to that tricky part, it comes a lot easier since I’ve made progress on the rest of the story.

TK Staff Profile: Miranda Ericsson

TK Staff Profile: Miranda Ericsson

Spirit of Kansas set for July 4 at Lake Shawnee

Spirit of Kansas set for July 4 at Lake Shawnee