
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Leadership Greater Topeka: Megan Bottenberg

Leadership Greater Topeka: Megan Bottenberg

TK: What is the most important characteristic that every leader should possess? Why? 

Listening to understand is the most important characteristic for a leader to possess. In this day and age, it is so easy for us to hear to respond rather than listen to understand. Listening to understand means a leader is open to diverse opinions and values other voices. In return, those you listen to feel valued and heard.  This will ultimately lead to the success and positive growth for a community and organization.

TK: Who is your hero(s)? Why? 

My heroes are my parents. My mom has incredible strength; my dad is a man of integrity. They are both people with a strong faith in the Lord. They sacrificed a lot to provide my brothers and me with experiences, demonstrated a hard work ethic and ambition, and taught us the value of what is a “home”—it’s where your family is. 

TK: What do you hope your legacy will be? Why? 

My legacy is my daughter, Rory. I hope I instill in her the same values my parents taught me, and she is successful in life. 

TK: How has the current situation impacted your thoughts on leadership?

This new normal has reinforced how important it is for a leader to listen to others. No one leader has the answers; a leader has to listen to others, take advice from experts, and work together as a team to make the right decisions.

TK: What will you do differently after the pandemic?

One thing I want to carry with me after the pandemic is give more grace. In our busy worlds pre-pandemic, we were so busy and demanded a lot of ourselves and each other. During this challenging time, it’s been easy to acknowledge that we need to give ourselves, our family members, and our co-workers grace—allowing a slower pace, understanding our struggles and hurt, and encouraging and loving each other. I intend to continue to do that after the pandemic.

Leadership Greater Topeka: Thomas Bronaugh

Leadership Greater Topeka: Thomas Bronaugh

Alex Delaney: Leadership Greater Topeka

Alex Delaney: Leadership Greater Topeka