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YWCA Women of Excellence: Jaclyn Mullins

YWCA Women of Excellence: Jaclyn Mullins

What inspires you?

I am constantly in awe of members in our Topeka Community that even though they may be struggling themselves, find ways to help others in need. We all can help lift each other, even if we cannot do so financially. It inspires me to want to do more, promotes more, and helps in ways I did not initially think of helping.

What advice do you have for others?

Never be afraid to admit you could be looking at a problem or situation from your view. You have to be able to step outside of your box and realize, there are other ways to see how this could impact someone. How could I help or be a partner from their perspective? I think that is when you start to understand what we need as a community.

What is the greatest lesson you have learned on your journey?

That we all get it wrong sometimes. We are humans and make mistakes, but it is how we learn from those mistakes that define us. I am not perfect or claim to be, but I am better for what I have learned from failing and starting again.

What does your vision for our community look like?

One of my coworkers always uses the term, "It's a hand up, not a hand out". I think that says everything perfectly, If everyone in our community could have that mindset and then pay it forward, no matter what race, gender or circumstance, then we would be living in a community where no one takes things for granted, and we give without judgment.

What does "Equal - Powerful - Unstoppable" mean to you?

As a woman working in the construction industry, I feel that if I work hard and gain respect from my peers as a whole, I will have a voice to help other women become respected in this field. When you feel equal, you feel empowered to offer suggestions and make decisions. That can only lead to a more powerful influence. Regardless of what career or service you choose, efforts have to be made to recruit the gender/race that is lacking representation in that respective field. I believe only then will there be a more equal voice, that leads to more powerful decisions and unstoppable mindsets.

YWCA Women of Excellence: Jacquelyn Russell

YWCA Women of Excellence: Jacquelyn Russell

YWCA Women of Excellence: Inga Klahr

YWCA Women of Excellence: Inga Klahr