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Capper Foundation to Receive Donation from Sertoma Clubs of Topeka

Capper Foundation to Receive Donation from Sertoma Clubs of Topeka

Capper Foundation presented a check by the Sertoma Clubs of Topeka for $2,500 on Thursday, November 11, 2021 at 11:00 a.m. The check presentation was held at Capper Foundation, located at 3500 SW 10th Ave., Topeka, KS.

This generous donation is a portion of the proceeds from the 26th Annual Sertoma Great Topeka Duck Race held on September 18, 2021. The Sertoma Clubs of Topeka have not only made our organization a beneficiary of their annual event for many years but their designated affiliate non-profit organization. Over the years, additional grant funding has allowed our pediatric speech therapists to attend continuing education courses which gives them the opportunity to implement the most advanced techniques and provide the highest quality services to infants, children, and teens with communication, hearing and speech disorders.

Our local Sertoma clubs along with clubs across the United States strive to help the more than 50 million people at risk or impacted by hearing loss through education and support. 

Visit www.capper.org for more information about our organization. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube.

Momentum 22: An Educator's Passion

Momentum 22: An Educator's Passion

The Tee Box Joins Downtown Topeka Business Lineup Today

The Tee Box Joins Downtown Topeka Business Lineup Today