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Gary Piland’s latest film, Blackstone - Hand of God released on Amazon Prime

Gary Piland’s latest film, Blackstone - Hand of God released on Amazon Prime

End the world or save it? Gary Piland’s latest film, Blackstone - Hand of God released on Amazon Prime

Blackstone - Hand of God is the final chapter in Gary Piland’s Zombie, Kansas Trilogy. The film unveils Piland’s dark vision for how the first zombie was created and the apocalypse it unleashed.

“It’s not that farfetched,” says Piland. “I started this project four years ago, before the Covid pandemic ever hit. Yet parts of this storyline are eerily similar to current events.”

“My lead character, fire and brimstone radio preacher, J. Mortimer Blackstone, wanted desperately to be chosen by God. One fateful night he had a visitor who believed she was dying. She asked him to pray with her. The next morning, lying in a pool of blood, Blackstone opened his only remaining eye and finally saw God’s plan,” Piland writes. “Blackstone believes he wasn’t chosen to save the world—he was chosen to end it.”

And so, off the preacher goes to fulfill his unholy mission surrounded by a fervent flock of believers who will follow him to the ends of the earth.

Piland offsets the rabid Blackstone zealots with the dogged goodness of a ragtag group of survivors banded together under the leadership of a small town sheriff and a decorated Vietnam veteran. It’s an epic story about everyday people trapped in a nearly hopeless situation. Every person is critical to their survival.

“With a budget of less than $10,000, a lot of people said it couldn’t be done. But Topeka, Kansas is jam packed with extremely talented people who helped me make this a reality. I guess the cast and crew caught the Blackstone bug from me and had to see it through,” Piland laughs.

The movie was shot entirely in and around Topeka and Dover, Kansas with a cast and crew of over 80. It runs two hours, 50 minutes.

To see a :30 teaser of the movie, go to: https://www.blackstonehandofgod.com/

About Roaring Rat Films

Roaring Rat Films was founded in 2010 by Gary Piland. Filmography includes Zombie Laundry, Zombie Chigger, Zombie Tattoo Parlor, Zombie Beauty Pageant, Zombie, Kansas and the newly released Blackstone - Hand of God.

Blackstone - Hand of God can be rented or purchased on Amazon Prime:


More information, production photos and credits is at https://roaringratfilms.com/

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