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20 Under 40 | HALEY MATHERLY

20 Under 40 | HALEY MATHERLY


As Volunteer and Family Engagement Manager for Topeka Habitat for Humanity, Haley Matherly supports partner families participating in Topeka Habitat's traditional partnership program and the volunteers serving the organization. She works with Topeka Habitat leadership on developing new programming and strategies to increase volunteer engagement and retention and serves as the liaison for corporate and community volunteer groups. Haley also works with her team to assist construction and repair programs, ReStore and neighborhood revitalization efforts, and plans and implements volunteer appreciation and partner family engagement events.

Haley is the Lasagna Love Local Leader of North Central Kansas and has provided more than 60 meals for families in Shawnee County since 2021. Haley is actively involved with the United Way of Greater Topeka as a member of the Caring Club and a junior reader leader at Highland Park Central Elementary School. She is the president-elect of the Topeka Chapter of Managers of Volunteer Engagement.

What is the most important part of your work?
It is the community impact made and the clients we serve. When community members’ basic needs are met, our community thrives. People can do incredible things when they feel secure, stable, and cared for. My hope is that my work both professionally and personally will impact someone in our community this way.

What is that one piece of advice you received that has served you well?
My youth mentor once told 13-yearold me: "Failure isn't fatal." Though these words have proven difficult to internalize at times, I think about them often. Learning to let go of the expectations that accompany perfectionism has given me the freedom to test new strategies bravely and without fear of failure. I encourage my team to explore passion projects and try new methods with the security to both succeed and fail safely.

What are you grateful for?
I’m most grateful for my partner, Travis. His patience, understanding, and care are unmatched. He is encouraging and gently challenging; he’s supportive of everything I do. Travis often checks in and asks, “What are your goals? What do you want to be working on creatively right now? What can I do to help make that happen?” Having support that is both nurturing and empowering is so transformative. I hope that in mirroring his care in my relationships with Habitat’s volunteers, partner families, and team members, I’m fostering the same kind of transformation for our community. I think if we normalized asking each other, “What are your dreams? What roadblocks can I help remove for you?” we would be amazed with the results.

Click here to go to the full list of 2022 20 Under 40 Honorees.

20 Under 40 | MARCUS MILLER

20 Under 40 | MARCUS MILLER

20 Under 40 | ERIC PURCELL

20 Under 40 | ERIC PURCELL