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20 Under 40 | KELLY RIPPEL

20 Under 40 | KELLY RIPPEL


As a Certified Crop Adjuster, Kelly Rippel is authorized to evaluate and appraise crop damage, process information affecting insurance coverage, and make claim determinations for crop insurance policyholders. Under the jurisdiction of multiple entities including the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Risk Management Agency and Rural Community Insurance Services (RCIS), his main duty is to enter into an agreement of settlement with insureds.

His professional involvement includes serving as advisor for the Kansas Cannabis Coalition towards strategic, long-term campaigns for accelerating change to cannabis reform in Kansas. Kelly is the founding president and member of the Planted Association of Kansas. He is co-founder and vice president of Kansans for Hemp and serves as an appointed volunteer member of the Industrial Hemp Advisory Board with the Kansas Department of Agriculture.

Kelly has been a volunteer with the American Regional Theatre Society, Topeka Civic Theatre, Meals on Wheels, and Junior Achievement.

What is one word you would use to describe yourself?
Curious. I've always had a craving for learning and socializing to better understand others. I loved constructing and de-constructing when I was young and took apart electronic toys when I got older to understand how they worked. Creating and building things with friends has always been my favorite. Learning is a lifelong process and I'm definitely in it for the long haul!

What 3 critical skills help you in your work?
Empathy. Both a value and mode of being, it requires continuous improvement. It's difficult being empathetic to others' needs and boundaries, but in order to reach solutions and "meet people where they are" we must accept differences in others while not blaming. Active listening. Truly listening to understand is crucial as opposed to superficially hearing and judging or refusing to acknowledge others' truths. The best solutions are reached when everyone provides input, no one is excluded, and a consensus is reached. Courage. The courage to ask questions, clarify intent and motives, or just making sure transparency is occurring takes integrity.

What do you think the secret to a good life is?
It is not a secret. One of the most important things I was taught (that has been reinforced over time) is to find "flow" as much and as often as possible.

Click here to go to the full list of 2022 20 Under 40 Honorees.

20 Under 40 | JESSICA DORSEY

20 Under 40 | JESSICA DORSEY

20 Under 40 | SEAN DIXON

20 Under 40 | SEAN DIXON