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20 Under 40 | NICK GARDNER

20 Under 40 | NICK GARDNER


Nick is the Principal at Ross Elementary Signature Music School. Prior to this, Nick was an administrative intern at Eisenhower Middle School. His duties as Principal include leadership with the management, facilitating professional learning, supervising instructional practices, and safety of the staff and

In his previous role at Eisenhower, he started a male mentoring group, Achievement Inspired Minds (AIM). The program involved guest speakers from the community, a college experience at Washburn University and weekly lessons related to setting goals and building confidence. Next year, he plans to have Eisenhower students mentor students at Ross.

Currently, Nick is the vice president for Topeka Public Schools Minority Leadership Academy and serves on the Topeka Public Schools Equity Council.

What is one piece of advice that has served you well in your career?
My dad, Cleo Gardner, has always told me, “Lift as you climb,” and this has continuously impacted me as I have grown in different leadership roles. I hope sitting in the seats I have will allow for many of the students I served to have belief and opportunity. Multiple advocates have helped me have the opportunities I have had in the past and now in my current role. My educational philosophy centers around the word advocate. I am where I am today because I had individuals who advocated for me.

What characteristic do you most admire in others?
Integrity. I admire people who do the right thing even when no one is watching. There are many educators who do work which is never seen, but they do it for their love of children and wanting to make the utmost difference in each student's life.

What book are you reading now?
I am currently reading Savage Inequalities by Jonathan Kozol. This is an interesting read as Kozol examines the extremes of wealth and poverty. The main call of this book is to think of equitable opportunities in all our schools. A definite must read for anyone who has a heart for education.

Click here to go to the full list of 2022 20 Under 40 Honorees.

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20 Under 40 | SEAN DIXON

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