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Last Word: Mayor Mike Padilla

Last Word: Mayor Mike Padilla

Photos by: John Burns

What are you most proud of from your time on the City Council?

Things that get a lot of splash are the first to come to mind, like finally coming to a resolution with White Lakes Mall. This issue was on my to-do list from the moment I took my seat on the council, and I am happy to see that my focus on cleaning up this part of Topeka has paid off.

But sometimes the things that you are the proudest of are those little things that don’t garner much coverage. I tried to represent not only my constituents but the entire population of Topeka. For example, I helped create the Three Shields Boxing Club that resides over at the Salvation Army on East Sixth Street. This was nowhere near my district, but I knew the people there from my time as a police officer. When I took office, they came to me with the idea for an afterschool boxing program for underserved youth in that community. I connected them with Mr. Alcala, who in turn, helped connect them with the resources and ideas to move the project forward. I then used my connections to bring in people knowledgeable about the boxing world.

That program has become quite robust with 25 to 30 students attending each class. This project goes beyond just helping the kids who attend learn to box. It introduces them to other services provided by the Salvation Army that they can take advantage of including mental health services, vaccinations, food programs, clothing resources, and more.

What do you hope to bring to Topeka as the Mayor?

My vision is to continue the work that I see is being done between the city and the Greater Topeka Partnership (GTP) to reignite the pride and energy in our community. We have a lot of wonderful things here. I have been invited to several ribbon cuttings in the past four years. That may not sound like anything special, but every ribbon cutting means a new small business is getting started here in Topeka. I also want to show those larger corporations that are looking for that sweet spot to build their next location that Topeka is the right choice. I want to highlight what we already have and bring in even more opportunities for growth.

What is Topeka doing right?

The combined efforts of the county, city and GTP have brought together several professionals from a variety of disciplines to collaborate on ways to improve Topeka. There seems to be a more cohesive effort toward improving all aspects of life in Topeka. Momentum 2022 brought together people who were all working on the same issue, but all within their own silos to collaborate toward a more effective outcome.

Where can Topeka improve?

We can be more deliberate about who we engage with in the vision for Topeka’s future. There are too many people still within our city that don’t believe their voices are being heard. If you are not involved with proposed changes or are not really affected by any of those changes, then it is hard to find a reason to care. We must do a better job of including all the population demographics in our plans so that no one feels left out.

What do you hope to focus on in 2022?

We need to do a better job of communicating our vision to all stakeholders in Topeka. We need a better elevator pitch to help people understand the changes we are trying to make and how it will improve their lives. It must be more purposeful and focused. We also must do more than just ask people to come to meetings. We must go out to where they are and ask them to engage with us at all levels.

What advice do you have for Topekans?

Don’t sit back and watch others make decisions about the place you work and live. Be part of the conversation so it ends up being the future you dream of as well.

What is your favorite place to spend time in Topeka?

I love the Topeka Zoo. It is amazing how great this zoo is for a city of this size. I brag about it all the time.

What Superhero would you want to be?

Any superhero that can fly. The closest I have come to flying is hang gliding in Colorado. It was so quiet and serene, moving from one side to the other. I could do it every weekend if I had the chance.

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