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Sarah Gideon Receives National Award

Sarah Gideon Receives National Award

Stormont Vail Health is proud to congratulate Sarah Gideon, Executive Director of Health Innovations Network of Kansas (HINK), for receiving the 2022 Outstanding Emerging Health Network Leader Award. This recognition is presented by the National Cooperative of Health Networks Association (NCHN), which is a national professional membership organization comprised of health networks, alliances, and consortiums dedicated to supporting and strengthening health networks. Each year, the organization selects one new network leader or director in the field of health networks who displays extraordinary leadership to receive this award.

Sarah Gideon represents the award description by going above and beyond. She has been the Executive Director of HINK since 2016, overseeing the development, implementation, and ongoing improvement of all network activities. HINK serves 16 member hospitals, including Stormont Vail, in a 12-county region of northeast and north central Kansas. Sarah is passionate about the challenges rural Kansans are faced with, particularly within the HINK region communities; she used that passion to address prevention of suicide in our rural areas, increase access to mental health services, and implement protocols around pain management and opioid use.

Sarah developed and implemented a $100,000 HRSA Network Development Planning grant in 2020, which is the first grant that has ever been received by HINK. This grant was used to form the Suicide Prevention and Improvement Network (SPIN). It has helped HINK and a consortium of 12 hospitals, a community mental health center, an addiction treatment organization, and four agricultural organizations develop a heightened focus on suicide prevention, and particularly to the rural and agricultural communities.

Sarah also values collaboration between network hospitals for ongoing innovation and success. She spearheaded the creation and execution of eight affinity groups that introduce peers in the HINK network to collaborate and connect. She is continually analyzing the needs of the network, what challenges are arising, and what opportunities are available to meet the strategic priorities of HINK.

In addition to her role at HINK, Sarah’s volunteerism represents her strong leadership and care for others. She is an active community volunteer, serving on her local hospital’s Foundation Board of Directors, in addition to serving on statewide committees focused on improving health care in our state. Sarah is dedicated to creating a positive experience for not only patients, but for those who care for patients as well.

Sarah has been active in NCHN since HINK became a member in 2016, serving as immediate past president of the board as well as in other leadership roles.

Please help us congratulate Sarah for receiving this honor. Stormont Vail is proud to be a part of the HINK network behind her leadership.

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