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CWP Managing Partner Heads to the Classroom as a Financial Literacy Volunteer

CWP Managing Partner Heads to the Classroom as a Financial Literacy Volunteer

As Managing Partner at Clayton Wealth Partners, Clint Patty, J.D., sees firsthand how good financial decisions help clients achieve their goals. For the fifth year in a row, he has taken that message to Kansas youth as a Junior Achievement classroom volunteer.

Junior Achievement of Kansas is a nonprofit organization that helps prepare today’s students for a bright future. It draws on community volunteers to deliver lessons and share their experiences. “In the process,” the organization’s website states, “those volunteers serve as role models helping to positively impact young people’s perceptions about the importance of education, as well as critical life skills.”

One of those life skills is financial literacy. Patty uses lesson plans and hands-on materials provided by Junior Achievement to help youth build their financial foundation. The JA materials align with state and district educational standards in financial literacy.

This year, Patty volunteered from Mach 23 to April 7 at Topeka Seamen Middle School.

Said Patty: “I really want to do my part to promote financial literacy in our schools. When students understand the importance of becoming good savers at an early age, it empowers them to become financially stable adults with increased opportunities for success.”

To learn more about Junior Achievement of Kansas, visit the website at kansas.ja.org.

Learn more about Clayton Wealth Partners at claytonwealthpartners.com.

About Clayton Wealth Partners

Clayton Wealth Partners is one of the oldest fee-only financial planning and investment management firms in northeast Kansas. With offices in Topeka and Lawrence, it provides fiduciary advice to help individuals and families manage their wealth throughout all stages of life, as well as to institutions such as endowments, foundations, and for-profit organizations. Visit the firm’s website at claytonwealthpartners.com.

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