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Topeka Collegiate Announces the Sustain Campaign

Topeka Collegiate Announces the Sustain Campaign

On the evening of the school’s 40th Anniversary Celebration Dinner, with over 200 members of the school community in the audience, Topeka Collegiate announced the public launch of the Sustain Campaign.

Guests from across the country, from California to Washington D.C., gathered to celebrate the impact the school has made on over 1800 students since opening as Shawnee Country Day School in 1982.

“It’s inspiring to see multiple generations of parents getting involved at Topeka Collegiate - to see school leadership innovate and adapt in ways we never thought possible when we opened 40 years ago,” said Susan Garlinghouse, founder.

At the end of the celebration, Board Chair Kent Lammers and Head of School Dr. Lyn D. Rantz surprised the audience with the special announcement. 

“As an independent school, campus improvements aren’t available through taxes or bond issues,” said Kent Lammers, Board of Trustees Chair. “It’s incredible to think about the generous philanthropy - and the investment of families - that has allowed the school to remain debt-free for more than twenty years and independent for 40 years.”

The Sustain Campaign will enhance the school in two key areas: the campus and the school’s endowment. The campaign steering committee, led by Chair Sean Frost, raised $3.4 million during the campaign’s silent phase - 57% of the total goal of $6 million. 

Campaign receptions will be held in Topeka, Lawrence, and Chicago during the six month public phase, concluding in March 2023. Those interested in attending a reception or learning more about the campaign are encouraged to send an email to sayhello@topekacollegiate.org

Washburn announces $2 million gift from Jerry and Susan Farley

Washburn announces $2 million gift from Jerry and Susan Farley

Capper Foundation is a National Finalists in the 2022 National Garden Bureau Therapeutic Garden Grant Contest

Capper Foundation is a National Finalists in the 2022 National Garden Bureau Therapeutic Garden Grant Contest