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Kansas Leadership Center Receives $450,000 Grant from Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation

Kansas Leadership Center Receives $450,000 Grant from Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation

The Kansas Leadership Center (KLC) has been awarded a $450,000 grant from the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation to launch a program that will generate leadership and civic engagement to support local entrepreneurship in four communities in the Heartland region.

The grant will fund a regional pilot program in Missouri, Iowa, Nebraska and Kansas that will equip community members and entrepreneurs to support organizations that implement economic development strategies centered on local entrepreneurship.

“We developed this pilot program to strengthen the support systems that uphold and depend on entrepreneurship in the heartland region. This grant will enable us to promote local entrepreneurship by equipping a broad range of community members to see themselves in the context of an entrepreneurial ecosystem, to exercise leadership in that system, and to more effectively connect with their network and resources. We are grateful to the Kauffman Foundation for their continued collaboration,” said Lucy Petroucheva, civic engagement manager at the Kansas Leadership Center.

Read the Full Announcement Here

McElroy’s 2022 Core Values Integrity Award: Preston Bond

McElroy’s 2022 Core Values Integrity Award: Preston Bond

FTC Issues Proposal to Ban Noncompete Agreements

FTC Issues Proposal to Ban Noncompete Agreements