
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Entertaining Topeka

Entertaining Topeka

Remember the time Hulk Hogan filmed a movie out of the brand-new Landon Arena in the late 1980s, and many locals got to participate as extras in the crowd? Or the time in the early 1990s when Aerosmith spent multiple weeks in Topeka before starting a tour and was spotted several places around town? Or more recently when Bill Engvall surprised the Friday crowd at The Pennant thanks to their “Bill Engvall Eats Free” sign?

These unique moments happen thanks to shows at Stormont Vail Events Center, Topeka Performing Arts Center and Prairie Band Casino & Resort. Each facility is committed to creating an unforgettable experience by providing high-quality live } entertainment that is diverse and attractive to all.

Click Here to continue to Stormont Vail Events Center

Click Here to continue to Topeka Performing Arts Center

Click Here to continue to Prairie Band Casino & Resort

A New Flavor for an Old Favorite

A New Flavor for an Old Favorite

Investing In Growth

Investing In Growth