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Fellowship Hi-Crest's Bridge Builder's Investment Club Launches Giving Tuesday Campaign to Transform Futures

Fellowship Hi-Crest's Bridge Builder's Investment Club Launches Giving Tuesday Campaign to Transform Futures

Fellowship Hi-Crest is excited to announce the launch of its Giving Tuesday campaign for the Bridge Builder's Investment Club, a transformative program that empowers students and their families with the knowledge and tools to achieve financial health and investing success. This campaign seeks to raise $10,000 to enhance the lives of students in the Hi-Crest community and create lasting financial change.

The Bridge Builder's Investment Club is more than a program; it is a thriving community dedicated to breaking the cycle of financial disparities in our community. In Hi-Crest, African-American students are projected to have a household income of only $19,000 a year by the age of 35, while Hispanic students face household incomes of only $22,000 to $26,000. These statistics highlight a pressing need for intervention and investment in the financial futures of our students.

When you contribute to the Bridge Builder's Investment Club, you join a compassionate and committed group of individuals and organizations who share a vision of sustainable financial transformation for our students.

This year, we aim to raise $10,000 to accelerate our mission. A significant portion of these funds, $6,000, will be allocated to establishing The Nest-Egg, an investment account that will generate scholarships annually for our High School Senior Club Participants. Our original plan was to reach full funding within six years, but with your generous support, we can achieve full sustainability while our current Freshmen are still in High School, securing a brighter future for our youth.

The remaining funds will be allocated as follows:

  • $2,000 for enriching experiences for one year, including educational outings and partnerships that empower our students.

  • $1,000 for essential supplies, which will cover most of the food expenses for roughly one semester, ensuring that our club nights are welcoming and nurturing.

  • $1,000 for two $500 scholarships for High School Seniors in 2024, directly impacting their educational journeys.

As part of our commitment to holistic financial education, we are planning immersive experiences for the future. One such endeavor involves partnering with a local credit union and car dealership to take a group of students, along with financial advisors, through a mock process of purchasing their first car. This practical experience will equip our students with essential life skills and financial literacy.

By giving to the Bridge Builder's Investment Club, you are not just partnering with Fellowship Hi-Crest; you are investing in our community's future. We believe in the potential of our community and its youth, and we invite you to join us in making a real difference.

Help us achieve our goal of $10,000 to empower our students with the tools they need to build brighter financial futures. Your support is a powerful investment in the lives of our students and the Hi-Crest community as a whole.

To contribute and be a part of this transformative initiative, please visit our Giving Tuesday campaign at fellowshiphicrest.churchcenter.com/giving/to/bridge-builder-s-investment-club.

To learn more about the Bridge Builder’s Investment Club and/or sign up, please visit: https://fellowshiphicrest.com/the-bridge-builders-investment-club/ 

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