
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

20 Under 40 | TRE’JOR HOPKINS

20 Under 40 | TRE’JOR HOPKINS

As the Head Chef and Owner of the Flavor Wagon, LLC, Tre’Jor is having a major impact on Topeka’s food culture and adding value to the entertainment and tourism of Topeka.

This year, he served on the planning committee for two new major festivals, the Topeka Food Truck Festival and For the Culture Festival.

Tre’Jor founded the Breaking Bread Program, a grassroots nonprofit that addresses food insecurity.

He received the Generous Heart Award from the YWCA for continuously showing up to fundraising events, utilizing his resources, and bringing dignity to the healing journey of survivors in the community.

He serves on the Board of Directors for SENT, Inc. and is actively changing the narrative about the Hi-Crest area.

What led you to a career in the food industry?

It was truly my calling. I went from burns and cuts in the kitchen when I was 5, to burns and cuts now at 31. My grandmothers fostered my creativity in the kitchen, which helped me flourish.

What do you love most about your work?

The interactions it allows me to have with all walks of life through food.

What critical skills are important for what you do?

Critical thinking. Adaptivity. Availability.

What would we likely see you doing on a weekend?

If I’m not working, I would be enjoying time away from home with the family. If I’m lucky, I might get to enjoy a beer and watch some good football.

Click Here to go to Jayhawk Area Council's 20 Under 40

Topeka Giving Back

Topeka Giving Back

20 Under 40 | MEGAN GREEN

20 Under 40 | MEGAN GREEN