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Local Shopping Destinations | AMUSED GALLERY & GIFTS

Local Shopping Destinations | AMUSED GALLERY & GIFTS

Amused Gallery & Gifts in the NOTO Arts & Entertainment District is celebrating 10 years in business. Amused currently features work by 54 artists, and special art shows and themed exhibits take place throughout the year. Owner DeAna Morrison says that she set out to work with an eclectic selection of artists and vendors, so that Amused Gallery & Gifts will offer a little something for everyone and an in-person experience that visitors will remember.

“You can shop anywhere, but Amused is a destination,” Morrison said. “We offer an in-person experience that gives visitors a little awe. There are hidden gems all over the building, so much to see that you won’t catch it all. That experience can’t be replicated online.”

Amused Gallery & Gifts began with an artist who was looking for studio space. Morrison was raising a family, and that made it hard to dedicate space to art in her home. She was also looking to sell her art as a source of income and needed a place to connect with her community and make sales. She saw growth and excitement in NOTO and knew that it was the perfect place to get started.

At first Morrison rented a small space and just sold her own art along with a featured artist each month, but she kept thinking that there must be other artists like her who needed space or had art to sell. She leased half of a building for a year, and divided the space between small studios for artists to work and a gallery space to display and sell art. It was hard for Morrison to fill rooms at first, but the number of artists kept growing. Morrison decided to buy the whole building and go all-in, and the leap paid off. Amused now has a waiting list for studio space.

Morrison says that NOTO has been the perfect location to connect with other positive, supportive people in her community. All along the way, she has been able to turn to other artists and business owners in the NOTO Arts & Entertainment District for advice.

“It’s like a family,” Morrison said. “The atmosphere is encouraging, and we build each other up.

”An important part of Morrison’s mission with Amused Gallery & Gifts is to give that support and encouragement back to other artists who are looking for an opportunity to display their work, and to help other artists succeed however she can. She keeps rent prices low, and artists in residence get first dibs on their preferred dates for scheduling featured shows. She’s worked with artists as young as junior high students.

“Numerous artists have started out here, showing their work for the first time,” Morrison said. “I give all artists a supportive gallery interaction and help them with building their confidence as they put their work out there. Showing your art can feel like putting your heart and soul on display for someone to judge, and it’s not easy.”

Morrison has also worked with other artists to curate themed exhibits. Morrison’s daughter, artist Devin Wineinger, recently organized a powerful show around the theme of mental health.

“It’s exciting for me to see someone else realize their vision and share a different viewpoint in the gallery,” Morrison said. “I’m not good at delegating, but letting someone else take the lead on an exhibit means I can make time for my own art, so it’s definitely a partnership that benefits everyone.”

Morrison points out that a visit to Amused Gallery & Gifts is an experience you’ll remember, and an opportunity to admire some truly good art.

“It’s so good. You think of New York or Europe galleries, but the artwork we have here is top notch. It's amazing stuff, and it’s a lot more reasonably priced,” Morrison said. “You can get an original piece of beautiful work for the price you might pay for a print at a box store. Why get a copy when you can have an original instead? And maybe you’ll meet that artist and learn the story behind the work.”

Amused Gallery & Gifts offers items priced from $5 on up, and offers no-interest layaway.

“We want art to be affordable for everyone,” Morrison said. “The money is great, but seeing someone connect with art is spiritual.

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