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Security Benefit Presenting Donation to Support the Arts at TPAC Tuesday, December 19th at 2:30pm

Security Benefit Presenting Donation to Support the Arts at TPAC Tuesday, December 19th at 2:30pm

The Topeka Performing Arts Center was informed this week that they will receive an additional $25,000 in support from the Security Benefit Group. This generous donation comes in addition to a $10,000 donation the group gave to TPAC earlier this Fall and will be a much-needed boost for TPAC to continue its efforts to provide Topeka and northeast Kansas with world class entertainment. It will also aid in TPAC’s efforts to provide youth-oriented education as well as continue programs such as the Young Artists Awards, a scholarship program held annually and Schooltime Theater programming.

“Security Benefit has been a longtime supporter of TPAC’s schooltime theater programs, which introduce many children to the arts,” said Kim Gronniger, chair of the company’s Charitable Trust. “We’re excited about the cultural enrichment and entertainment opportunities TPAC is pursuing for people of all ages and eager to play a role in supporting their efforts.”

“The long-standing support of Security Benefit is truly inspiring!” said Rory Kent Jr., TPAC Executive Director. “It is this level of commitment to the Topeka Performing Arts Center that is needed to continue our mission and to continue growing and evolving as the premier Arts center of Topeka. Everyone at TPAC is dedicated to our community and we are humbled when we receive such great support in return, especially from our partners at Security Benefit.”

The Topeka Zoo and Conservation Center Announces a Post Holiday Tree Recycling Program

The Topeka Zoo and Conservation Center Announces a Post Holiday Tree Recycling Program

Stormont Vail Health Urges Appropriate Care Locations

Stormont Vail Health Urges Appropriate Care Locations