Topeka Youth Commission awards grants to fund local youth-led projects — TK Business Magazine


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Topeka Youth Commission awards grants to fund local youth-led projects

Topeka Youth Commission awards grants to fund local youth-led projects

With assistance from the Topeka Community Foundation, the Topeka Youth Commission announced its recipients of Stay785, an annual grant program created to fund community projects designed and directed by youth in the Topeka and Shawnee County area.

For its 2022-2023 term, Stay785 will fund eight local youth-led projects with partnering organizations. This year’s awards were determined by members of the Topeka Youth Commission, based on the quality and strength of each project presented.

“It was inspiring to see so many young people with ideas on how they want to make Topeka a better place for youth,” Rene Cabrera, Treasurer of the Topeka Youth Commission, said about this year’s grant process. “We were so glad to work with the Topeka Community Foundation and the Greater Topeka Partnership to make young people feel more welcome in Topeka.”

The goal of Stay785 is to give young people in the area a chance to pursue initiatives that bring their visions for Topeka and Shawnee County to life, with the goals of keeping youths involved in the community and attracting more young people to the area. Examples of potential projects included, but were not limited to, public art, restoration projects, racial equity initiatives, beautification efforts, local events, and modernization of attractions.

“I was impressed with all of the young people serving and providing leadership in Topeka and Shawnee County,” said Shane Warta, the community foundation’s director of strategic initiatives. “I am excited to see the relationships youth are building in the community. They are reaching for new levels of creativity that continue to make Topeka a great place to live, work and give.”

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