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Leadership Greater Topeka | Jade Ramsdell

Leadership Greater Topeka | Jade Ramsdell


What is one word you would use to describe yourself?
Sincere. It’s important for me (and central to my own personal values) to communicate with honesty and civility, to “show up” as a person who others can rely on, and step outside of my comfort zone as a person committed to this lifelong process of learning more about myself.

What do you love most about your work?
The people. I am incredibly fortunate to encounter people from all walks of life. In the spaces we share, which can often be very vulnerable due to the nature of the work we do in public health involving social determinants of health and disparities, it’s not unusual to hear direct storytelling from community members and/or individuals with intersecting identities share stories of their unique experiences that bring a diverse perspective to the table and to the work that we conduct on a daily basis. For me, it’s about really being present in those moments and reflecting on them to continuously improve the work we do, and for personal growth as well.

What do you think the secret to a good life is?
Authentic words and actions. I believe by doing so, even when it may be risky, or if it requires a great deal of courage, it helps to form deeper connections (with oneself, the world, and those around us).

What do you do for fun or to recharge?
I enjoy acrylic painting. I have always been intrigued by art as a path to emotion and the way art can evoke deep emotional responses. I won’t say I am “good” at painting by any means, but it has been a really fulfilling outlet to express myself in a way that is similar to visiting an art museum or exhibit.

What music artist do you never get tired of?
Brian Culbertson without question! His music is great for any occasion in my opinion.

What 3 critical skills help you in your work?
Humility, teamwork & collaboration, and agility. Due to the nature of the work I do, day-to-day can consist of many large-scale projects, deadlines, and trainings or workshops. For this reason, it is important to be genuinely humble in understanding my own strengths and opportunities to grow. By doing so and leveraging the skillset of my incredible team, we are able to work more effectively and cohesively. Collaboration and teamwork are critical skills, as our work often stretches across the department and state and requires a great deal of collaborative brainstorming and leadership to assure the needs of all people within our state are considered and met to the very best of our ability. Lastly, agility has been a skill central to the work I do personally and professionally. Whether practicing emotional agility, or incorporating agile methods into daily work, agility is a skill that helps me to remain centered on the experiences, processes, or opportunities that bring forth the greatest value or results.

What is something you wish someone had told you during your career journey?
Growth isn’t always linear. Sometimes your path looks more like two-steps forward and four-steps backwards and that is COMPLETELY fine. The great thing about accepting this as my reality for career growth is that it allowed me to really appreciate the “zig-zag” of my journey to where I am today, and I unequivocally would not change a single thing.

What should one never take for granted?
Balance. Balance for anyone can mean work-life balance, time to enjoy the things that bring you joy, the relationships you form, the interactions that are central to your being, and those hobbies or interests that fill your cup. For me, balance means all these things and more. This is something I have to work hard to actively not compromise on.

If you could choose one superhuman ability, what would it be?
I would definitely say to be able to teleport anywhere, with the caveat that I would want my teleportation capabilities to allow me to bring others along for the ride!

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Leadership Greater Topeka | Class Of 2023

Leadership Greater Topeka | Class Of 2023

Leadership Greater Topeka | Ashley Mayer

Leadership Greater Topeka | Ashley Mayer