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Leadership Greater Topeka | Jake Holly

Leadership Greater Topeka | Jake Holly


What is the most valuable lesson you have learned?
Focus on what you can control. I am a firm believer in the serenity prayer. I’ve learned spending time worrying about things that I cannot control just creates anxiety and wasted energy. When my mind starts to drift, I always try to remind myself to focus on the things within my reach and apply myself to the fullest in those pursuits. Although, it is not always easy to be able to differentiate between what is and what is not within your control. In those instances, I've learned it is best to talk to someone, whether a mentor or friend, and get their take on the situation.

What are your core values?
Integrity. I always want to be honest with everyone and try to always do the right thing. I also value work ethic. It is something that requires zero talent but makes a big difference in not just the workplace, but in relationship building. Lastly, dependability – it is very important to me that I follow through with my commitments, no matter how big or how small.

If you could choose one superhuman ability, what would it be?
No doubt, it would be flying. Not only could I skip traffic, but I could see the world in the most efficient, convenient, and coolest way possible. Sign me up – I’ll happily fall into the vat of radioactive bird seed or whatever other origin story it might take.

What do you love most about your work?
I learn something new every day. While some tasks are comparable, no two days are the same. I often handle issues that I am tackling for the first time - most of which have some practical takeaway that can be applied to real life. I want to be a lifelong learner and I love that my profession helps me get there. I also have great mentors and colleagues that are always willing to answer questions and share wisdom, which sure makes things easier.

What characteristics do you value most in your coworkers?
Attitude. There is always someone out there that has the ability and competence to perform the work, but a good attitude (friendliness, willingness to help, approachability, etc.) is rare and much more valuable. A good attitude is an intangible that is valued above all other skills sets in my opinion.

What characteristic do you most admire in others?
Empathy. It is something that brings people closer together helping recognize that we have more in common than what our differences may be. Having the ability to recognize and understand different perspectives and feelings is important when it comes to helping others and developing and maintaining connections. The world exists outside of ourselves. And being able to tune in with the people around us is something that I admire.

What is your leadership style?
Lead by example. I will never ask something of someone that I would not be willing to do myself. And being able to roll my sleeves up and show my willingness and work ethic helps generate respect of my peers. Plus, no one likes a hypocrite, and I have discovered it is never good to ask others to do more if you are not doing at least as much.

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Leadership Greater Topeka | Naz Shareef

Leadership Greater Topeka | Naz Shareef

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