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Leadership Greater Topeka | Karina Dixon

Leadership Greater Topeka | Karina Dixon


What is non-negotiable for you?
Respect. Dealing with people involves working with so many different personalities, backgrounds, and beliefs. You may not always agree with someone, but you should always have respect for them.

What are your strengths?
Empathy is a strength that helps me understand different people's perspectives and treat others with compassion. At the same time, I am able to have tough conversations and speak up with my own point of view.

What would see you doing on a weekend?
Baking and decorating cookies, listening to true crime podcasts, and being out and about with my husband and two boys.

If you could choose one superhuman ability, what would it be?
The ability to stop time. There never seems to be enough.

What motivates you?
My biggest motivation is knowing that what I do makes a difference to others.

What have you learned from the pandemic?
The ability to be flexible. Staying up-to-date on constantly changing government requirements, client policies, and CDC guidelines was necessary. I spent a lot of time assessing people's symptoms--something I never thought I would have to do.

What do you love most about your work?
I have a variety of tasks and responsibilities that all center around helping people to be successful. Every day is different and presents new challenges.

What 3 critical skills help you in your work?
Communication, adaptability, and empathy

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Leadership Greater Topeka | Ashley Mayer

Leadership Greater Topeka | Ashley Mayer

Leadership Greater Topeka | Andrea Kaberline

Leadership Greater Topeka | Andrea Kaberline