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METL | 2023 Legislative Priorities

METL | 2023 Legislative Priorities

METL is a regional coalition of the Manhattan, Emporia, Topeka, and Lawrence Chambers of Commerce, which seeks to leverage the combined strength of nearly 3,000 member businesses and organizations, represented by 30 elected representatives and senators in the region.

METL is eager to work with state officials to explore creative solutions to the range of issues its member businesses say are their most pressing concerns.


Exploring solutions to the lack of available childcare which is presenting significant hardships for many families as they navigate the post- pandemic workplace. Responses could include easing the regulatory burden facing providers and funding creative ways to incentivize opportunities that would result in more children being safely cared for.

• Explore the benefits of universal pre-K education in Kansas.

• Maximize the use of matching federal dollars for Child Care Development Block Grants (CCDBG) by committing additional State General Fund dollars to early care and education.

• Expand Child Care Assistance Tax Credits and making them accessible to more businesses.

• Create a cabinet level Child Care czar to lead the state in developing collaborative, innovative solutions to the childcare crisis for working parents.


Protect existing transportation funding sources (sales tax, fuel tax, bonding, vehicle registration fees, etc.) and discontinuing the diversion of funds from the Kansas Highway Fund, effective FY 2023.

Undiminished funding of the Eisenhower Legacy Transportation Program including working as an active partner to (i) move the project to replace and expand the South Lawrence Trafficway (K10) through the Development and Construction Pipelines; and (ii) ensure the Polk-Quincy Viaduct Project continues to completion without delay.


The requests of the Kansas Board of Regents to restore funding for public universities, community colleges, and technical colleges and proper funding of need-based student aid programs to ensure student access to private colleges and universities in Kansas.


KanCare expansion will help stimulate the economy and create thousands of jobs. A study by an economist from Kansas State University found that expanding KanCare would create more than 23,000 new jobs. It would protect access to care and save jobs, especially in rural areas.


Explore ways to help the residential real estate market regain its ability to keep up with the growing demand for quality housing in all our communities. Incentivize residential development by expanding the Rural Housing Incentive District (RHID) beyond just rural counties to help address housing shortages.


We support a tax policy that encourages business growth and is competitive with surrounding states. This includes seeking ways to make state tax reporting requirements more business friendly, especially for small businesses; restoring the Research and Development income tax credit to all types of business entities; supporting the Kansas Framework for Growth, as well as existing incentives, such as the HPIP, PEAK and STAR bonds; and investing one-time federal funding in economic prosperity initiatives.


Strengthening the Governor’s Military Council.

The GMC is a key partner with local communities, administration, legislators, the Kansas Congressional delegation, business, and military leaders to grow and optimize the military presence in Kansas, including recruitment and retention of new missions and force structure. The GMC leverages this growth into additional defense related industry and jobs.

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