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Prepare For Severe Weather With Simple Natural Gas Safety Tips

Prepare For Severe Weather With Simple Natural Gas Safety Tips

May is the month in Kansas when the state typically sees its most severe weather, including tornadoes. Kansas Gas Service wants to remind all customers to keep safety in mind before and after a storm.

“Taking steps to protect your natural gas meter is often an afterthought, but it’s important to keep in mind for the safety of yourself and your community, especially during severe weather season,” said Sean Postlethwait, vice president of operations for Kansas Gas Service. “Preparedness is key, and we encourage our customers to join us in taking a few simple steps to plan for any storm.”

Here are some helpful steps to take in preparation for severe weather:

• Check around your natural gas meter and remove any objects that could be blown into the meter by strong winds or pushed into the meter by heavy rain and flooding.

• Remove any branches or other objects above the meter that could fall onto and damage the meter.

Safety should always be a priority, even after severe weather. Here are some important things to remember once the storm passes.

• If you smell natural gas, usually described as a “rotten egg” odor, leave the area immediately, then call 911 and Kansas Gas Service at 888-482-4950. Be sure not to operate any electrical appliances, including light switches.

• If you don’t smell natural gas, still do a maintenance check around your home by checking all gas appliances for damage and chimneys and flues for any fallen objects.

• If you need to remove any fallen tree limbs or uncovered debris, contact 811 to locate underground natural gas pipelines and other utility lines if this requires digging.

• If your natural gas meter was turned off or your service was interrupted during the storm, call the Kansas Gas Service customer service line at 800-794-4780 to restore your service. DO NOT attempt to turn your natural gas meter back on.

Customers can visit KansasGasService.com/safety for year-round safety tips.

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