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Jayson and Lauren North, after spending 14 years as owners in the business, decided it was time to step back. They approached Danny and Valerie Williams, good friends who had the skills needed to take over the coffee shop.

“We felt like we’d taken it as far as we personally could, but there are still ways to expand and grow,” said Lauren, who began working at Blackbird over 20 years ago when it flew under another name. “With new leadership at the helm, we can still be involved while letting the shop continue to evolve.”

Danny joined the Blackbird team a year ago, working side-by-side with Jayson to absorb as much knowledge as possible, Danny said. Jayson still comes into the store daily, and he helps with a lot of back-end, administrative work.

The Norths are still partners in the business, but Danny and Valerie are the managing partners, taking on the challenge of maintaining Blackbird’s down-home friendliness and the personality that’s made it successful, while also growing revenue.

“Everywhere has coffee. If you’re a real coffee connoisseur, you can tell the difference between our coffee and their coffee, but it’s really the experience and customer service that sets us apart,” Danny said. “I think that’s our biggest challenge as we explore future opportunities for growth or change, making sure that we stay the course and never lose sight of what our core values are and what we stand for.”

The Norths took over Blackbird, where Lauren had been working for years before becoming an owner (Fun fact — it’s the only job she ever held!), about 14 years ago and built a brand that is the foundation, Danny said.

“What I’ve always appreciated about this place and especially being here now, is that year to year, there’s always been a real consistency every day with the product we put out and the service we give,” he said. “We really focus on the quality aspect of everything we do. If there’s a chance to skip a corner or bring in a lower priced product, that’s never going to happen here. I think it’s putting out that consistent and quality product, whether it be the food, the beverage, the experience — those are all things we really take pride in and focus on. That’s what continues to drive everything.”


Danny and Valerie bring their own skills to the business, each having spent time in restaurants, Danny as an owner. That’s something Lauren was excited to see.

“We were looking for business partners who just really love the place as much as we do and who have a clear vision of what it can be while also appreciating what it’s always been,” she said. “Personality and warmth are key, both in leadership for the employees and in interactions with our customers, and we know that’s what Valerie and Danny both excel at.”

Danny came to Blackbird after working as the tennis director for Genesis Health Clubs locally. He settled in quickly and has not a single regret about making the leap into coffee shop ownership.

Valerie, who works full-time outside of Blackbird, manages the marketing for the business, which is her area of expertise. Jayson hadn’t been interested in social media, even though she teased him relentlessly about needing to be more active for Blackbird online.

“He’d tell me all the time, ‘I don’t believe in marketing.’ I’d tell him, ‘You can’t tell the marketing girl you don’t believe in marketing.’” Valerie said, laughing. “It just wasn’t his approach. This is very much a Cheers environment. A good majority of the people who come in here have been coming in here for years. This is their second home, they have their spot that they always sit in.”

Valerie now has more ammunition for her teasing. She is active for Blackbird on social media and has been marketing their catering business too. Many people aren’t aware that the coffee shop even caters, she said.

It’s paying off. “We’ve had a lot of growth,” Danny said. “It’s been fun meeting new people who stop by while they’re in town or who saw us on social media and didn’t know anything about us before. It’s an added bonus when they have a great experience and become a new regular. It makes us feel like we’re doing something right.”


The two have plans, and Danny said they want to continue to challenge themselves and engage their employees. Raising the bar, though, will never take away from what Blackbird stands for — the quality and consistency they always return to.

But the coffee shop could use some updating and they plan to lay hands on every surface. Even so, they keep in mind that changing too much might not please their regular customers, so they’re being careful to keep the same feel.

They’ve added a specialty cocktail menu and have dived into new catering menus and building partnerships locally. Valerie said working with the Topeka Zoo on an Asian-inspired menu was a fun new venture, as is serving larger groups out of their relatively small kitchen.

Most of all, they’re having fun and staying true to the roots of Blackbird and the North’s vision. Even their 9-year-old twin boys appreciate the joy of owning and working in Blackbird. Check out the coffee sleeves the next time you’re in the restaurant — son Pierce designed a bird to make them extra special.

Their success wouldn’t have been possible without the support and collaboration of the Norths. They’ve seen their friendship — really a family relationship — deepen and appreciate the opportunity to work together. Their slow training process, working together, was an excellent way to take over the business, Danny said.

“I think I had thoughts of not wanting to ever let Jayson down,” Danny said. “So, I’ve always done a lot of ‘should we do this, can we do this?’ He’s always been like, ‘Leave me out of it. Do whatever you want to do. You’re not going to screw this thing up.’”

So far, so good.

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Building On A Solid Foundation | KENDALL CONSTRUCTION

Building On A Solid Foundation | KENDALL CONSTRUCTION