Written and compiled by KELLY POTTER and LAUREN JURGENSEN | Photos by JOHN BURNS
As a barista, Bekah is known for her dedication and warm personality. As an athlete and spokesperson for Special Olympics Kansas, she is known as a role model and advocate for the program’s impact beyond sports.
Bekah has lobbied Congress in support of legislation to enhance the quality of life for Special Olympics athletes. Next year, she will represent the Special Olympics USA team in Italy.
She has participated in the Polar Plunge for Special Olympics and several fundraising events for law enforcement. Kansas University Basketball Coach Bill Self calls Bekah “Big XII Girl,” a reference to the Big XII Female Special Olympics Athlete of the Year she was awarded in 2013.
What has been your biggest Aha! moment?
That as a person with differing abilities, my voice and opinions are valuable. I can help others to learn and understand how important it is to hear from people with all abilities.
What is one word you would use to describe yourself?
Brave. The Special Olympics Oath is “Let me win, but if I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt.” I work hard to be brave in new situations and in overcoming challenges.
What would we mostly likely see you doing on the weekend?
Most of my weekends are spent either competing in sporting events or watching sporting events. Some of my favorites are swimming, bowling and snowshoeing, and anything KU is competing in. Rock Chalk!