
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Leadership Greater Topeka | Stephanie Norwood

Leadership Greater Topeka | Stephanie Norwood


What do you collect? Why? 
I collect vintage cameras. When I was young, I found a few in my grandparents’ basement that I would play "photographer" with. Years later, those were passed along to me and the collection began. I now take joy in finding them in consignment shops and estate sales.   

What is your biggest regret and why? 
I regret the times I held myself back, when I believed I wasn't capable enough or not ready. In those moments, I hesitated and held back from taking bold steps and embracing those chances for growth. Now, I understand the importance of pushing past my comfort zone, trusting in my abilities and seizing opportunities, even if they initially seem daunting.   

What are you doing to ensure you continue to grow and develop as a leader? 
I try to take on new challenges. I seek out opportunities to learn and stay open to feedback. Whether it's diving into new projects, participating in workshops or simply reflecting on my experiences, my journey is a continuous pursuit of both personal and professional development. 

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Leadership Greater Topeka | Damon Shore

Leadership Greater Topeka | Damon Shore

Leadership Greater Topeka | Ashley Bergquist

Leadership Greater Topeka | Ashley Bergquist