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Leadership Greater Topeka | Makayla Girodat

Leadership Greater Topeka | Makayla Girodat


Who or what has had the greatest impact on your career and why? 
My husband, John, has had the greatest impact on my career. He's my biggest cheerleader and supporter. My career can be demanding with irregular hours, so having him as my partner made everything possible. We have four kids to care for and he's always had my back so I could be successful.  

If you could choose one superhuman ability, what would it be and why? 
I'd want to be able to pick up a book and absorb all the information instantly. It would be amazing to be able to learn how to do things so quickly and then my time could be spent using that knowledge to get things done in real life!  

What characteristic do you most admire in others and why? 
Authenticity. People who know who they are and embrace their strengths and shortcomings, are by far my most favorite humans to share space with. They give others permission to be themselves by living their most authentic lives. They are magnetic.  

What do you love most about Topeka and why?  
I love that Topeka has so much to offer while still feeling like a small-town community. We have so many good people here who are passionate about making a difference. It's truly inspiring and something I've not experienced living in other places. 

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