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Leadership Greater Topeka | Sheryl Dick

Leadership Greater Topeka | Sheryl Dick


What book would you recommend and why? 
"Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes are High," by Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, Ron McMillan and Al Switzler. The power behind this book is relatability and practicality. It clarifies how you can change the way you react or respond in different situations to achieve better results. This book has empowered me to be a better wife, sister, daughter and leader, which is why I reread it almost every year.   

What has been your biggest Aha! moment? 
In 2019, I was at a conference listening to a speech by a single mom who built a house with her kids by watching YouTube videos. She was talking about building a house from scratch with absolutely no experience, and the mindset of believing that no matter the obstacle, you can achieve it. She asked herself, "What's the worst thing that can happen and can you live with that outcome?" This question intrigued me. Earlier that morning I received an opportunity to interview for an executive position. I was nervous that I didn't have the skills and wouldn't fit in at a new organization. The question didn't seem like rocket science, but I hadn't considered it until then. My answer surprised me: I could live with it if I didn't fit in. I wasn't afraid of failure. I now ask myself that question often and I can't say that I have ever said that I couldn't live with whatever outcome came after.  

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Leadership Greater Topeka | Danielle J. Martin

Leadership Greater Topeka | Danielle J. Martin

Leadership Greater Topeka | Jade Kerr

Leadership Greater Topeka | Jade Kerr