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Top City Small Business Awards | Circle Coffe Co.

Top City Small Business Awards | Circle Coffe Co.

How did you get to where you are today with your business?
We wanted to open a space that brought our neighborhood and surrounding community together to experience an excellent product paired with excellent service. Hospitality has started to seem like an afterthought at most places we go these days. We wanted to change that standard in our little pocket of Topeka, because we believe those small interactions are actually really important. We also noticed that locally, there is a lack of people who are getting the training they need to become highly skilled at their craft in the service industry. We wanted to open a cafe that prioritizes a high standard for what we serve and the care we put into what we’re doing. We believe Topeka deserves a place that is full of people who care deeply about what they do.

What motivated you to open your business in the Topeka area?
I grew up in Topeka and have always desired to see more of a creative community develop here. As we’ve planted roots, we’ve noticed a lot of folks move elsewhere for opportunities. We wanted to be an example for younger people who are considering staying in Topeka to pursue their own creative endeavors.

What sets you apart from other businesses in your industry?
We are very intentional about everything we do. As many businesses in our industry age and grow, it’s easy to lose sight of why you’re doing what you’re doing. From the top down we have made a commitment to our team and our guests that we will pursue excellence in everything we do as long as we are in business.

What did it mean to you and your team to be a finalist in the Young Entrepreneur category of the Small Business Awards?
Being a finalist in the Young Entrepreneur category is a cool thing because a big reason we are doing what we’re doing is to show other young people that there is a lot of opportunity here in Topeka.It is a really great indicator to our team that we’re doing the right thing. We ask a lot from our small team in the pursuit of excellence. When our hard work is noticed, we are always encouraged by that.

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Top City Small Business Awards | Patterson Family Child Care Center LLC

Top City Small Business Awards | Patterson Family Child Care Center LLC

Top City Small Business Awards | AO Nola Praline Candy

Top City Small Business Awards | AO Nola Praline Candy