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Martha Bartlett Piland | Local Leaders Achieving Success

Martha Bartlett Piland | Local Leaders Achieving Success

Seven local entrepreneurs share their journeys from humble beginnings to thriving businesses. Discover the challenges they faced, the breakthroughs that fueled their growth and the insights that drove their success.

Martha Bartlett Piland
MB Piland Advertising + Marketing

What was your first job and how did it impact you?

Probably not surprisingly, my first job was entrepreneurial and I think it was in fifth grade. I had a business teaching ballet to the neighborhood girls. It taught me a lot of things: marketing, managing multiple details, keeping track of payments in my ledger and patience! It was very rewarding to earn my own money by doing something I loved.

What advice would you give to someone who wants to run their own business?

I believe everyone should be an entrepreneur at some time in their life, even if it’s just for a short time. While it’s not for everyone, the skills you gain are irreplaceable. The advice I’d give is to expect the unexpected. Be mentally tough, but be kind. Be generous. Surround yourself with smart people and listen to what they have to say. Ultimately, the buck stops with you, so trust your gut.

What qualities do you believe are most important in a business leader?

First, integrity and honesty. Your team, your clients and your family are all depending on you. Never risk your reputation, or theirs, by cheating or failing to live up to your word. Second, always be curious. Ask why and dig deeper, it will bring insights that others overlook. That’s a key to big “aha!” moments. Third, be creative. Seek ways to solve problems in different and better ways that bring huge value to clients and great satisfaction to yourself.

What strategies have been most effective for growing your business?

Always be willing to go the extra mile. Never, ever quit.

What impact do you hope your business will have on the community?

Our purpose at MB Piland is to improve the health and well-being of people and communities. We do that by working with clients in sectors like health, education, advocacy, economic development and finance. When we help these clients succeed in their efforts, collectively, we make a lasting impact on people and the planet.

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Kurt Guth | Local Leaders Achieving Success

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