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Matt Vincent | Local Leaders Achieving Success

Matt Vincent | Local Leaders Achieving Success

Seven local entrepreneurs share their journeys from humble beginnings to thriving businesses. Discover the challenges they faced, the breakthroughs that fueled their growth and the insights that drove their success.

Matt Vincent
Golden Rule Design & Build

What was your first job and how did it impact you?

My first job was a small lawnmowing business that I started in my parents’ neighborhood. I’m guessing that I learned more from that job than I could comprehend at the time. I learned about the sales process, about production and about customer satisfaction. Additionally, I learned how much work it took to bring in revenue. Aside from the lawnmowing business, my first “official” job for an employer was at Hillmer’s Luggage & Leather. It was at this job that I was able to continue to learn how to interact with customers and how to lean into the sales process. Walt Hillmer taught me quite a bit about staying productive even when the sales floor was empty.

What do you wish you had known before running your own business?

This is an interesting question, because I think many business people are relatively naïve when they jump into their respective callings. I truly believe that without that innocence, many successful small businesses wouldn’t get off the ground, so not knowing could be viewed as a blessing. But, to answer the question directly, I wish I had known the impact that the first few years would have on my wife and family and how to better shield them from that “collateral damage,” for lack of a better term.

What qualities do you believe are most important in a business leader?

A business leader is first and foremost just that: a leader. They should have integrity and a passion that drives them to do what is right, even when it’s not comfortable. A leader will give others credit and take the blame. They should be able to motivate and empower their fellow associates towards personal and business growth by identifying “pull mechanisms” rather than “push mechanisms” (be out in front of the pack growing, instead of pushing others towards growth).

What has been your biggest failure, and what did you learn from it?

I alluded to this earlier, but my biggest failure isn’t necessarily directly related to business. More than 22 years ago, I jumped into our new business with a lot of energy and drive. This was partially driven by the need to survive at times. That’s the reality of small business, especially many new small businesses. Work/life balance just isn’t a realistic concept, especially in those early years. Greg Brennaman, in his book “Right Away and All at Once” describes a work-life integration that I wish I had done a better job with at the time. I didn’t have the wisdom to compartmentalize a bit more. I don’t think I could have changed the grind that those years were, but I think I could have been more fully present wherever I was, especially in the home.

What is your proudest business achievement?

As a team, we’ve accomplished a lot of things that we can be proud of. We’ve served roughly 4,500 clients in the Topeka area and we’ve got an incredible customer service record. We’ve built long-term relationships with many of our clients. Personally, especially in the last few years, the thing I’m proudest of is being a small part of watching our team grow personally and professionally. There is something that is incredibly rewarding about letting go and letting others thrive — doing the things that I used to do, but in many cases doing it better than I did.

What impact do you hope your business will have on the community or industry?

Our mission statement is “Together, we pursue excellent work and meaningful relationships, to positively impact lives.” Ultimately, if we can fulfill this mission, we have the opportunity to leave a legacy in the Topeka area. Yes, through thoughtful design, world-class communication and consistently well-executed projects, we will positively impact our clients’ homes and therefore lives. But, we also have the opportunity to leave a positive impact on the lives of those we work with that extends past construction. I hope that when people think about Golden Rule Design & Build they will think about a team that cares for them personally, treats people the way we would want to be treated, does what we say we will do and does all of this with a smile on our face.

Carlos Cortez | Local Leaders Achieving Success

Carlos Cortez | Local Leaders Achieving Success

Kurt Guth | Local Leaders Achieving Success

Kurt Guth | Local Leaders Achieving Success