
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Under New Ownership

Under New Ownership


No matter what business you’re in, changing owners involves a lot of paperwork. But once you get past the months — yes, expect at least three months, our sources tell us — of dotting “i”s and crossing “t”s, opportunity awaits.

Fresh perspectives, new goals and a renewed sense of purpose are some of the benefits North Topeka Fabrication and Lumineo Signs (formerly Luminous Neon) saw through their own transitions. Here’s what two new sets of owners had to say about taking over a business with an established history in the community.

Click Here to go to Forging A New Mindset | North Topeka Fabrication

Click Here to go to Flipping the Switch to a New Chapter | Lumineo Signs

Restoring A Historic Gem | Jayhawk Theatre

Restoring A Historic Gem | Jayhawk Theatre

Investing In Topeka

Investing In Topeka