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Zac Pohlenz | LGT Class of 2025

Zac Pohlenz | LGT Class of 2025


If you could have coffee with anyone in Topeka, who would it be and what would you ask them?

The Topekan who has lived here the longest. I’d love to ask what changes (good or bad) they’ve witnessed over their lifetime, and maybe what they miss about the Topeka of their childhood.

What are you doing to make Topeka a stronger community?

I’d like to think that my board service with NOTO and the American Red Cross help make Topeka a stronger community. In my personal life, me and my family are making Topeka home and strive to be good neighbors, good friends and contribute to the city’s overall community success.

What is your favorite locally owned business?

Joylight Coffee. I am not exaggerating when I say that Jack roasts the best coffee I’ve ever had. They don’t have a brick-and-mortar store, but you can find this Topeka business online and order from their website. You won’t regret it.

In your opinion, what does Topeka need the most right now?

I’d love to see a rare book shop that specializes in old texts, manuscripts, books and even antiques from 15th to 20th century literature and fiction. That’s probably not the most practical or realistic business for a city of our size, but a guy can dream!

What is your walk-up song?

“O Fortuna,” a movement from Carl Orff’s cantata Carmina Burana. It’s dramatic and sets the stage for a big impression.

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Kaylee Champagne | LGT Class of 2025

Kaylee Champagne | LGT Class of 2025

Adrianne Ralston | LGT Class of 2025

Adrianne Ralston | LGT Class of 2025