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African American Builders of Topeka: Don Perkins

African American Builders of Topeka: Don Perkins

“I’ll take it under advisement.”—Don Perkins

MY STORY I joined the Central Park Neighborhood Improvement Association (NIA) in 1996. I began walking the neighborhood with Chet Curtwright and Don Harrison to check on the condition of the houses and safety issues. Later, I rode with Joyce Ritchey to check on those people in the neighborhood that were not following code compliance laws. This was a part of my training before I ran for an office in the NIA. The first time I became president was the year 2000.

While I have been involved, the NIA has accomplished many improvements in the neighborhood. We have made improvements in Central Park: bleachers, a running track, a fence around the track, outdoor basketball goals, new play equipment, new lighting and more seating and trash containers. In the neighborhood, the NIA has helped get new homes, new handicap cutouts for certain blocks, street improvements, sidewalk and curb improvements. We would like to increase home ownership in our area. Our goal is to have the nicest, safest neighborhood where everyone would like to live.

I AM TOPEKA: John Levin, Lindyspring Systems

I AM TOPEKA: John Levin, Lindyspring Systems

African American Builders of Topeka: Chris Omni

African American Builders of Topeka: Chris Omni