By Tara Dimick
In order for this editorial to make sense, you need a little background information first. I have always had a love of scary movies, and one line from Stephen King’s “Carrie,” made even more famous by Adam Sandler, has always stuck with me. You know the one. Carrie is begging to go to the prom and her mom says, “They’re all going to laugh at you.”
Recently, I met with Tim Kolling of WIBW AM/FM and Jennifer Kirmse of Educational Credit Union, who is also chair of the Topeka Independent Business Association (TIBA), to discuss the idea of a local business radio show. Well, that brief conversation about a conceptual idea suddenly catapulted into high gear. Within a span of only two weeks, TIBA agreed to sponsor the weekly show, and TK Business Magazine (or more specifically, I) agreed to host the show.
I was excited hosting a radio business show, but then suddenly it hit me. I hate my voice. I hate my voice so much that just listening to my playback as I set up my voicemail makes my skin crawl—and I just agreed to host a radio talk show. Then that line from “Carrie” jumped into my mind—“They’re all going to laugh at you.”
I think we all have those moments of fear that keep us from moving forward, taking a stand, trying new things, doing something that no one else fully understands, or starting a business. We fear failure and we fear that “they” will laugh at us.
Life is a journey of success and failure. As you travel down your own road of life, don’t let the fear of someone else laughing at you slow you down or cause you to try a different path. Forge ahead anyway. That’s what I plan to do. I hate my voice; no one else has ever told me they hate the sound of my voice, it's time to get over myself. So, I have never hosted a radio talk show before. That doesn’t mean I don’t have something important to share. A business radio show is a new concept, but Topeka needs more new concepts.
So I hope you tune in on WIBW 580 AM at 11:30 AM on Sundays or check out the podcasts on TK Business Magazine, WIBW 580 AM or TIBA’s websites. You are more than welcome to laugh at me, and I'll be laughing with you.