MTPO to Unveil Futures 2040 Plan Recommendations - Public Open House Announced
Futures2040 will guide major transportation decisions for the Topeka region in the coming years. Public Open House
The MTPO and consulting team are ready to share plan recommendations for the Futures2040 transportation projects at a public open house from 5:30 to 7 p.m.. Wednesday, May 3,at the Topeka and Shawnee County Public Library’s Marvin Auditorium Room No.101B, located at 1515 SW 10th Ave., Topeka, KS 66605. The meeting will begin with a formal presentation and then the public is encouraged to interact with the consulting team and ask questions and share comments either in person or by filling out comment cards that will be available. This will be an excellent opportunity to learn what major transportation projects are being planned for the Topeka region and to share what you think about it with community leaders.
The two primary purposes for developing Futures2040 for the metropolitan Topeka region are to provide a balanced transportation network that accommodates all modes of transportation: Walking, bicycling, riding transit and driving cars and trucks. The second is to consider how transportation impacts land use, social justice, economic development, urban design and the environment. It is imperative that Futures2040 reflect the desires of the people who live, work, shop and play in the metropolitan area. Public participation is highly encouraged.
Plan Online
The plan recommendations are also available online at the MTPO website at
The MTPO is the federally designated transportation planning body for the Topeka region comprised of four partners – City of Topeka, Shawnee County, Topeka Metropolitan Transit Authority and the Kansas Department of Transportation. The regional transportation plan is required to be updated every five years to be eligible for continued federal transportation funds. MTPO staff support is provided by the City of Topeka Planning Department. For more information about the MTPO, Futures 2040, and public engagement activities, visit